Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Latest News

I'm still working on carolivy's Yusoff Challenge snowflake. I managed to get TWO knots (and I don't mean double stitches!) in one split ring. It has taken me several days to get them out. Every time I tried, frustration quickly set in. Determined to win this battle, I refused to cut out the ring. Today, victory is mine! I had the knots loose in moments, and I'm on my way again. I've also managed to play a bit with EazyDraw. Nothing is finished in either of those areas. Instead, I've been very busy preparing for some big events.

Graduation was Saturday. I was SO proud as I watched my daughter receive her Master of Science Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. We began the day by attending her cowling ceremony. Then there was the graduation ceremony followed by a festive meal with family and friends around a long table at a local restaurant. It was a very special day.

In the midst of preparing for this celebration, my oldest daughter and I have also been studying for tests. Hers was the test to get her counseling license on Monday; mine was the GRE on Tuesday. Both of us did well! We celebrated her scores with pizza. We celebrated mine with the purchase of more tatting thread (lots more!) followed by one of my favorite family dining experiences--frozen yogurt sundaes with lots of laughter on top!

My summer is almost over, but it has been a wonderful one. I've enjoyed getting reacquainted with the internet tatting community. I'll soon be busy with Fall classes and my time for tatting will decline significantly. My shuttles will not gather dust until the Christmas holidays this semester, though. I've got a few projects I want to work on, and friends who will be interested to hear how they are coming.

Time to pull out my shuttles and finish up a few things before the day is over. Maybe there will be pictures tomorrow.

Thanks for letting me share my joys.


Fox said...

Congratulations on the GRE! What graduate programme are you interested in?

Love it when I see other mature students doing their thing!
Fox ; )

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

Congratulations to your daughter! That is a wonderful accomplishment.

Knots used to be my biggest frustration. How do they get in there? I bought a bobbin lace pricking vice and loaded it with the size tapestry needle is use for weaving in my ends. Whenever I get a knot, I use that little tool. It works wonderfully, and I get a lot less frustrated!

School begins two weeks from today for me... yikes! Where did the summer go? I'll still tat in the evening to help we unwind at the end of the day. But, something will have to go, so I'm sure the housework and kitchen will suffer from neglect. We all have our priorities! ; )

Eliz Davis aka Tatknot said...


Fox, I, too, am interested in counseling. I'm looking at a couple of different professional counselor degree programs.

I so agree, Diane! Studying has to take precedence over tatting in the short term, but tatting definitely trumps housework! ;)