#1 of 25 Motif Challenge 2017
Many thanks to Jane Eborall and muskaan for the encouragement to tat this lovely lady. I've been sick for several months with breathing difficulties which escalated to the point that I have found it difficult to do anything at all some days. It looks like recovery is going to be very slow so I've been taking advantage of good moments to implement some things that will make it easier to participate with the much-missed tatting community from the wi-fi of my iPad instead of having to sit at my computer. Today's blog post is testing some of them.
I'm using BlogGo to read your blogs and write this post. I haven't found a way to import my reading list, so I'm forced to add your blogs one at a time. I have lots more to add to my feed, but I shall get you all in there in time.
My other new tool is Font Candy. I used it to edit the camera image above. At the moment, I'm finding all of the ads and self-promotion frustrating, but the features seem promising. I'll have to play with it a bit more, but it's full feature price of $2.99 will be a good investment if I can get the end result I'm looking for.
I apologize if my post sounds like advertising today. That certainly isn't my intention. I'm hoping that some of you who use your iPads similarly will share your experiences and recommendations, too. I may not be the only one of us looking for such resources.
I've really missed all of you!
Happy tatting,
Hey, did we use the same colourway ?! Diane has been posting about bloggING from her Ipad, too.
Hope to see you here more often :-)
Nice to see you blogging again
So happy to see you again!
Sorry to hear you have been so sick!!! I pray you will be feeling much better soon!!!
Glad to see you are tatting again!!! Your little lady looks wonderful!!! :)
Have a wonderful day!! :)
Thanks, everyone. I used Lizbeth's Jelly Bean. I think Diane used it, too. It's a warm, cheerful collection of colors.
I hope you make a speedy recovery! And get the hang of all the technology needed to blog and keep up with blogs.
Yea nice to see the lady and a wonderful post🌹💟🌹
Thanks, Jane and Madtatter.
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