Saturday, February 26, 2011

No Tatting, but reading blogs

I took a vacation this morning from studying to catch up on tatting blogs. It has been wonderful and inspiring. Blips in the internet service may have resulted in some of my comments being sent several times while others didn't make it at all, but I appreciate every one of you who share your thoughts, ideas, and work. Thank you!

This is the last semester for my bachelor's degree. I've thoroughly enjoyed it, but it does shift one's priorities for one's time for a few years. I'm taking 6 classes this semester, so there has been even less free time. Now I'm starting to do some job hunting as well. I look forward to entering this new phase of my life as well as getting back to designing more tatting patterns. I've been scribbling ideas in a notebook without time to follow through.

Have a great week and may all of your knots be the intended ones!

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